Lessons in Self-Love: Reasons You Should Take Yourself on Dates

Date Yourself

Whether or not you’re seeing someone right now, you should be dating yourself. Why date yourself? Going on solo-dates can be a great way to show yourself self-love and has tons of benefits for your mental health!

5 Reasons You Should Go on Solo-Dates

For Self-Love

Practicing Self-Love and building a healthy relationship with yourself will help you to get to know yourself better and have better self-awareness. You will learn more about your strengths, weaknesses, values, and preferences. Treat yourself as you would a romantic partner, spoil yourself, pay attention to your own needs, put in as much effort as you would if you were going out with someone else. When you do all these things, you will know how you deserve to be treated and learn how to love and value yourself.

For Increased Confidence

When you spend time doing things for yourself, like taking yourself on a date, you get to know who you are better and in doing so become more confident and independent.

You learn to break through molds and comfort zones and to create a space where you can feel confident and love yourself.

Initially, taking yourself on a date may be scary due to fears about what others may think. But eventually you will get used to it and realize that people don’t really notice that you are alone, or if they do notice they don’t care.

You may start to gain so much confidence by doing things alone that you may end up feeling comfortable enough to approach people and situations alone, you may start travelling alone, and daring to do things you would have never tried to do before. 

For the Fun of It!

Eating out, going to the movies, heading to a fair, these are all FUN! And while it is also fun to do these things with other people, it doesn’t mean you have to do it with others. Whether you want to go alone to work on self-love or because your friends are busy that day, or because your significant other doesn’t like that kind of food, etc. you should give it a go! 

For Better Relationships

When you take yourself on dates, you learn self-love, but also self-sufficiency.

You start to depend on yourself for your own happiness instead of on others.

Having others in your life who bring you up and make you happy is always a good support, but when you learn self-love and self-sufficiency you don’t need to rely on others for your happiness. When you do this, you are better able to build healthy relationships with others because you are with them more because you want to be, not because you feel like you need to be.

For Your Own Independence

By taking yourself on a date you are giving yourself the power to make the decisions. You don’t have to compromise or discuss any of the details with anyone else about where to go, what to eat, or who to see. By making these decisions you learn to feel more confident and stable in your independence.

Let’s Get Started

You may be wondering, “But where do I start? Where should I go?”

Here are some recommendations for how to go on a solo date.


Lessons in Self-Love: How to Go on a Solo-Date


Lessons in Self-Love: Using Delegation as a Tool for Wellbeing