LifeWays is committed to you.
You are our first concern and we value your feedback. If you want to let us know how we are doing, ask for a customer satisfaction card at any service location or call Customer Service at (517) 780-3332 or toll-free (866) 630-3690.
See below for common forms requested to Customer Service. If help is needed to fill out forms, please contact Customer Service to help walk you through the process.

Frequently Asked Questions
Please see the following list of LifeWays frequently asked questions to help you if needed.
It is important to report barriers that you experience as a person receiving services, as a staff member or as a family member, so that we can address them in a timely manner or advocate for change. To complete and send in the Accessibility Feedback Form on our Accessibility page.
Consumer Advisory Council
Please call Customer Service at (517) 780-3332 or toll-free (866) 630-3690
Corporate Compliance
Please call:
o LifeWays Compliance Officer – (517) 796-4526
oro LifeWays Whistleblowers Hotline – (517) 789-2485
(CLICK HERE for the Report of Suspected Non-Compliance Form to mail or fax.)
Grievances & Appeals
You would file a grievance if you are unhappy with the way your services are provided or how you are treated.
You would file an appeal if you have been denied a request for services or have received a decision that would reduce, suspend or terminate the services you are currently receiving, also known as an Adverse Benefit Determination.
LifeWays has a customer-friendly process that allows you to advocate for your needs. Grievances and appeals can be filed orally or in writing by contacting LifeWays Customer Service. Simply request to file a grievance or start a “local appeal.” The Customer Service Specialist will assist you in completing the paperwork.
If you choose to file a grievance or appeal you will not be retaliated against in any way. Resolutions will be based upon regulatory allowances, medical necessity and consumer satisfaction and choice in accordance with treatment protocols.
If you are ever not happy with the way your services are provided or how you are treated, you would file a grievance. Please notify Customer Service of any disappointing experiences you may encounter within the Community Mental Health System, including network providers.
Grievances can be filed by anyone that has contact with the Community Mental Health System. This can include consumers, family members, providers, community members, guardians, etc.
Once the grievance form is done an acknowledgment letter is mailed to you within 5 calendar days. Your grievance is sent to the appropriate LifeWays employee to process and resolve your grievance.
A grievance can be filed at any time.
The grievance process may take up to ninety (90) calendar days for a resolution. The LifeWays Customer Service Specialist understands this is an important part of your life and will try to resolve all grievances as quickly as your health condition requires. Once the grievance is resolved, Customer Service will notify you in writing of the resolution.
Local Appeals
You will be given notice when a decision is made that denies your request for services or reduces, suspends, or terminates the services you already receive. This is known as an Adverse Benefit Determination. You have the right to file an appeal when you do not agree with this decision.
An appeal can be filed by you, your guardian, or an advocate of your choice simply by contacting LifeWays Customer Service.
You can name a relative, friend, attorney, doctor or someone else to act for you. Call the Customer Service Department to learn how to name your representative. Both you and the person you want to act for you must sign and date a statement confirming this is what you want. You’ll need to mail or fax this statement to us. Keep a copy for your records.
Local appeals must be filed within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of denial notice. Any inquiries about filing an appeal will be treated as the filing date to establish the earliest possible filing date.
The local appeal process may take up to 30 calendar days for resolution. But the LifeWays Customer Service Specialist understands this is an important part of your life and will try to resolve all appeals as quickly as your health condition requires.
You have a right to request an expedited or “faster” hearing if waiting for 30 calendar days for a standard appeal would seriously jeopardize your life, health or your ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function. If requested and accepted you will receive a response to your local appeal within 72 hours. If your request for an expedited appeal is denied, the appeal will continue with the 30 calendar day resolution period.
Once the appeal is resolved, Customer Service will notify you in writing of the resolution and your further appeal rights.
State Fair Hearing
A local appeal is presented to a LifeWays employee who has the clinical expertise to make a decision on your services but has not been a part of the decision so far.
A State Fair Hearing is an appeal that is presented to a neutral judge for a decision. This can only happen after receiving a local appeal decision.
A state fair hearing can be requested by you, your guardian, or an advocate of your choice, just like the local appeal.
A state fair hearing must be requested within 120 calendar days from the date of the local appeal decision.
The state fair hearing process may take up to 90 calendar days for resolution. You have a right to an expedited hearing for the same reasons as a local appeal. To request an expedited hearing, call the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules (MOAHR) toll free at (800) 648-3397.
If you asked for your benefit(s) to continue during the internal appeal process and want them to continue during the State Fair Hearing process, you must ask the State Fair Hearing and Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules (MOAHR). They must receive your request within 12 calendar days of the date on the Notice of Appeal Decision. Also, the following must be true for your services to continue:
The service authorization has not expired.
The decision regarding your services is a reduction, suspension, or termination of what you are currently receiving.
You may be required to repay the cost of the continued services if the original decision is upheld, you withdraw your appeal or hearing request, or you or your representative does not attend the hearing.