Your Services, Your Choices
We believe in giving those we serve the option to promote their own personal choices in their care.
In a Self-Directed arrangement, you can hire your own workers and manage your services within a set budget determined by LifeWays according to your level of need:
• You have choice and control over services.
• Your Case Manager or Supports Coordinator supports you to self-direct the services you choose.
• You are the employer of record with a Fiscal Management Agency paying your worker(s) for services.
• You directly hire, fire, and supervise your workers.
• You set your worker’s schedule.
• You work with the Fiscal Management provider to determine staff wage based upon budget.
• You make choices about the goals you would like to work on when creating your Individual Plan of Service.
• You determine who you want to help you reach your goals.
• Your family and friends can help you with decisions to make sure that your health and safety needs are met.
• After you have a plan for what you need, a budget is developed based on those services.
• You manage your individual budget (with help from your Case Manager or Supports Coordinator and Fiscal Management agency).
• Click HERE to be directed to the Providers Section of our site. Search for “Self-Directed Services” to get a list of Services available that your Case Manager can research.
Medicaid rules still apply under a Self-Directed arrangement. That means:
• Services must be medically necessary.
• The type (what kind), amount (how much and how often), and length of service (for how long) must be supported by your condition.
• Your condition would worsen without the services.
• All other natural and community supports must be used before Medicaid will pay for a service.
• Services must be supported by documentation.
How Do I Begin Self-Directed Services?
It starts with your Individual Plan of Service! At your next Individual Plan of Service meeting, tell your Case Manager that you are interested in Self-Directed Services. They then can give you more information or help you begin the process.
Consumers can request to receive services via a self-directed arrangement upon entry into services or at any time during the course of treatment. If a new consumer is interested in self-direction, the LifeWays Access Center will follow the normal procedures for eligibility and service referral and specify self-directed Services. For current consumers, LifeWays Network Providers shall, at the time of person-centered planning or when interest is expressed by the consumer, assist the consumer in making an informed decision to receive services through a self-directed arrangement.

As a Guardian of an individual with self-directed services, what do I need to know?
Self-directed Medicaid services means that participants, or their Guardians if applicable, have decision-making authority over certain services and take direct responsibility to manage their services with the assistance of a system of available supports.
Self-Directed Services Checklist for Guardians:
Welcome! We at LifeWays know that this is very important choice for you and your loved one. As you start the process of the Self-Directed Services, we would like to provide you with the steps and tools you will need to ease the process and ensure success. Click HERE to access the checklist.
Fiscal Management Provider's (FMP)are essential for providing financial accountability and Medicaid integrity for the budgets authorized for individuals using self-directed services. Entities that provide Fiscal Management Services provide critical support to individuals who use self-directed services that allow them to control and manage their arrangements effectively. The primary role of the FMP is to provide fiscal accountability for the individual budget. The FMP does not develop the individual budget or direct how services and supports are used. It ensures the payments correspond with budget and time/amount of services delivered. With self-directed services, authority for use of public funds is delegated to the individual using services and supports. The individual has a responsibility to use the funds consistent with the Individual Plan of Service (IPOS) and individual budget
All consumers choosing self-determination must have a FMP. An FMP is an accountant. For a fee, the FMP handles payroll responsibilities for the consumer-employer (pays providers, handles Worker's Compensation and payroll taxes, supplies employee payroll forms, etc.) The FMP is responsible for paying consumer providers based on the Employment Agreement signed by the consumer and provider and time sheets submitted by the provider. The FMP also provides each self-determined consumer with a monthly budget status report.
The self-determined consumer (and guardian if there is one) meet with their FMP at the start. At this meeting, the consumer/guardian will review and sign needed paperwork. The FMP will explain the services they provide and how much those services cost. The FMP can help the consumer negotiate service rates with their providers. Lower rates allow the consumer to make the most of their service benefit using available budget dollars.
LifeWays' Fiscal Management Provider:
Community Alliance
301 West Michigan Ave, Suite 102
Ypsilanti, MI1-734-482-3300
Fiscal Management Agency Brochure (who and what Community Alliance Agency is)
Community Alliance Frequency Asked Questions
Community Living Network Payroll Calendar 2022
Guardian’s New Employee Guidelines (submission process, timesheet requirements, training requirements, budget instruction sheet and timesheet submission.)
Self-Directed Services Forum 2020Self-Directed Services Newsletter April 2020
Self-Directed Services Newsletter April 2020 Special Edition
Self-Directed Services Newsletter November 2020
Self-Directed Services Newsletter February 2021Self-Directed Services Newsletter March 2021 Special Edition
Self-Directed Services Newsletter October 2021 Special Edition
As a Staff, Direct Care Staff, and Case Manager – employed by Guardian, what do I need to know?
Consumer/guardians as employers and their employees must receive certain trainings that are required by LifeWays and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services' Medicaid rules. Consumers can hire any willing and qualified provider, which is defined as an individual that meets the following:
• Not been excluded from participation in Federal Healthcare Programs and does not appear on either the Office of the Inspector General’s Exclusions Database; or the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services' List of Sanctioned Providers.
• At least 18 years of age at the time of hire.
• Citizen of the United States or lawful resident.
• Able to prevent transmission of communicable disease.
• Able to communicate expressively and receptively in order to follow individual plan requirements and beneficiary-specific emergency procedures, and report on activities performed.
• In good standing with the law. For workers serving adults, the person may not be a fugitive from justice, a convicted felon who is either under jurisdiction or whose felony relates to the kind of duty to be performed, or an illegal alien. For workers serving children, the person may not be a fugitive from justice, a convicted felon or an illegal alien. Criminal background checks must also be completed annually after hire.
• Able to perform basic first aid procedures.
• Has a valid driver’s license and appropriate insurance to operate motor vehicles used to provide transportation for individual(s) as applicable.
• Must complete all training required by LifeWays within the time-frames and at the frequency defined by LifeWays
• Knowledgeable of the individualized service plan for the consumer and provides support to the consumer according to the service plan.
• The Michigan Department of Community Health Self-Determination Initiative
• The Center for Self-Determination
• Michigan Partners for Freedom
• Factsheet: The Use of Arrangements that Support Self-Determination in Shared Living Arrangements
For more information please contact LifeWays Self Directed Services Coordinator Stephanie Justice.