Wellness Programs
LifeWays Wellness Programs support the connection between mental health and physical health.
Wellness is more than the absence of stress or disease; it has a personal meaning for each individual. Whether you are looking for a purpose in life, pleasant relationships, a healthy body and mind, happiness, or you want it all. LifeWays Wellness Programs provide you with individualized care on your journey to achieve overall well-being.
Our wellness programs are designed around the Eight Dimensions of Wellness.
To register or for more information, email our Community Health Workers at communityhealthwellness@lifewaysmi.org

Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) is a weekly peer-led support group that meets for 11 weeks.
Peer Support Specialists, people with mental illness lived experience, help you create and work on positive whole health goals, based on one of the 10 Health and Resiliency Factors by the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine.
Each week, we'll discuss progress and difficulties for reaching our goals. We will support each other in our journey to whole health.
For more information, or to register, contact our Community Health Workers at: (517) 789-5723 or communityhealthwellness@lifewaysmi.org
WRAP is a weekly peer-led support group that meets for eight weeks.
WRAP helps you incorporate key recovery concepts and wellness tools into your plans and your life.
This process supports you to identify the tools that keep you well and create action plans to put them into practice in your everyday life.
For more information, or to register, contact our Community Health Workers at: (517) 789-5723 or communityhealthwellness@lifewaysmi.org
This is an 8-week program focused on nutrition and exercise for healthy living. This class requires registration for the whole course. Weekly attendance is important for success. This program begins with an educational wellness class followed by a fitness class. A healthy lunch is provided.
WEDNESDAYS, 11 AM - 12:30 PM
To register or for more information, contact our Community Health Workers or call (517)789-5723. -
Stress affects us all but with the right coping skills we can decrease the negative effect on our mental health. Come join LifeWays in our weekly stress less activities including music therapy and art classes to reduce stress.
Music Therapy (weeks 2, 4, 5)
Art Therapy (weeks 1,3)DROP-IN
Thursdays 3-4 p.m.
LifeWays Wellness Room - JacksonFor more information, visit our event calendar Stress Less page.
Personalized Fitness and Wellness Training is an individualized wellness program. All appointments are made individually with a Wellness Coach. Through this program, individuals receive free personal training sessions, education and support to work towards healthy goals.
Must be a LifeWays consumer to apply for this class. Medical clearance is also required.To register, contact our our Community Health Workers at: (517) 789-5723 or communityhealthwellness@lifewaysmi.org.
One-on-one or group support to help you meet your smoking cessation and smoking reduction goals.
To register, contact our our Community Health Workers at: (517) 789-5723 or communityhealthwellness@lifewaysmi.org.