Public Relations + Marketing Request ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED. NAME: * First Name Last Name REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: * PROPOSED DEADLINE: * Please submit requests at least two weeks before your proposed deadline. For urgent requests (requests with less than two weeks of notice), the Public Relations workload will determine if the request is feasible. We will make every attempt to make your proposed deadline. MM DD YYYY REQUEST TYPE: * Promotional Document (Brochures, Flyers, Post Cards, etc.) Media Relations Request ( Media Advisory, Press Release, Coordinating Media Coverage/Interview) Administrative Document Orders (Letterhead, Business Cards, Envelopes, Office Name Plates, etc.) Event Planning Website Update Reorder/Reprint Item Without Changes Other OTHER: FOR PURCHASES: Line of coding # required TELL US MORE ABOUT YOUR REQUEST: * When requesting business cards please include the following information: Name, Job Title, Office Phone, Email, and Location (Jackson or Hillsdale). It is optional to include the following: Credentials, Cell Phone, and Fax. NAME OF DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR: * First Name Last Name * By checking this box I acknowledge I have spoken to the individual above and received their approval to make this request. Thank you!