Recognizing and Coping with Anxiety
Jessica Bonardelli, LLMSW, Crisis Clinician at LifeWays Community Mental Health
Many people have anxiety, but some people have it more often or more intensely than others. With COVID-19 and all the changes in society right now, it can cause more anxiety, about health, staying home, and just in general. Anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways.
Here are some ways that people may experience anxiety:
Feeling nervous or restless
Experiencing irritability
Feeling like something bad is going to happen
Feeling panicked
Rapid heartbeat
Breathing faster than normal
Muscle tension
Feeling more tired or weak than usual
Having trouble focusing - especially trouble focusing on anything other than what is causing anxiety
Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or having nightmares
Stomach aches or other stomach problems
Not being able to control worrisome thoughts
Trying to avoid things that cause anxiety
If you are experiencing these symptoms, there are some ways to be able to cope with your symptoms or to try to feel better overall:
Breathe, meditate, or use grounding exercises
Taking time to do some deep breathing, or calming exercises can be very helpful when you are experiencing anxiety. There are some apps available for your phone that you may find helpful for relaxation like 10% happier, Calm, and Headspace. Headspace is even offering free meditations and exercises during the COVID-19 crisis.
Taking breaks from the news and social media
News and Social Media can become overwhelming as it can be difficult to continue to hear about the virus and the pandemic.Continue to care for yourself physically as well as you can
This includes trying to exercise and sleep regularly, eating healthy, and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and drugs.
Focus on others
Reach out to family, friends, and other important people in your life. Keep in contact with others, social distancing does not have to mean social isolating!
Take time to do activities that you enjoy
This includes hobbies, solo activities, spending time with family, and whatever else you find enjoyable and that will help keep you healthy!
How can LifeWays be helpful during this time?
If you are having increased symptoms of anxiety and need additional support, LifeWays has a 24/7 Crisis Line that can be reached at 1-800-284-8288.
Many other services continue to operate and full details can be found on the LifeWays website click here for a full list of the available service at LifeWays during this time.
Resources and other helpful websites