COVID-19 Blog

Christina Crouch Christina Crouch

How to add some holiday cheer to your traditions while being safe during a pandemic

The holidays are going to be a little (a lot) different this year. The pandemic changes things that used to be normal like knocking on a bunch of strangers’ doors to sing carols or simply gathering in a big group. (At best, these traditions aren’t encouraged right now.)

But before you say, “Bah, humbug,” and try to fast forward into the new year, look for ways to find some fun this holiday season. The pandemic may mean your holidays won’t look exactly the same, but with some creativity you can find new ways to celebrate—and some of your ideas may be so good you’ll make new traditions along the way!

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Christina Crouch Christina Crouch

Video Calling Apps to Make your Friends and Loved Ones More Accessible this Holiday Season

Like most events, activities and celebrations this year, the 2020 holidays are likely to be far different than your past Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa celebrations. But just because you’re not visiting family or friends in-person, doesn’t mean you can’t carry on your celebrations and traditions. One major step of 2020 is the new awakening to experiencing video conferencing for everyday life for millions of people.

So, this holiday season, don’t skip the celebration, consider trying out a video calling app to connect with family, friends, or social groups while COVID-19 makes it more difficult to hang out in person. To take some of the trouble out of finding apps that are affordable these holidays, here are a few of the apps we’ve found*.

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Christina Crouch Christina Crouch

Using Technology to Be Together Virtually

Even though this year is likely going to be a little different from anything previously experienced, it’s an opportunity to think outside the box and build on tangible and realistic ways to have meaningful experiences.

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Christina Crouch Christina Crouch

Don’t skip the Celebration! Take this opportunity to make Thanksgiving special despite Covid-19.

Even though this year is likely going to be a little different from anything previously experienced, it’s an opportunity to think outside the box and build on tangible and realistic ways to have meaningful experiences.

It's common to feel lonely during the pandemic. It would be easy to use the pandemic as an excuse to not bring your loved ones together for the holidays. But remember, Thanksgiving isn’t cancelled, just different. Remember, many of your friends and family may be feeling lonely too. Give them a call or set up a Zoom event for Thanksgiving.

It's understandable to feel disappointed skipping traditional big family gatherings. But instead, why not embrace it and try something new instead? Here are some ideas to get you started!

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Christina Crouch Christina Crouch

Michigan's stay-home, stay-safe order will be extended through May 15

During an extended Stay-Home, Stay-Safe order it can feel at times like you have lost your village.

💚 It is important to focus on mental health and self-care both now and through the likely prolonged process of reengaging in person as a society. This may mean turning to telehealth and virtual communities to replace those in-person interactions; but support is still here for you now during COVID-19.

💚 Subscribe to our Facebook page for daily information and inspiration.

💚 LifeWays Community Mental Health is here for you 24/7 at 1 (800) 284-8288. Remember, Hope and Help begin at LifeWays.

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Christina Crouch Christina Crouch

COVID-19 Testing Expanded Criteria to Include Any Worker Still Reporting in Person

Criteria was expanded again on 4/20/2020 to include ALL essential workers still reporting to work in person, whether they have symptoms or not!

For people looking to find a test center nearest to them, they can go to: and click on "Find a testing site near you" to access a state-wide map of current testing sites.

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Christina Crouch Christina Crouch

Optimizing Personal Protective Equipment During Crisis Capacity

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides strategies that can be utilized by healthcare workers to optimize use of PPE during periods of known shortages. These strategies should only be used when there is limited supply that has exceeded the ability to provide conventional standards.

During severe resource limitations, consider excluding healthcare providers (HCP) at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 from contact with known or suspected COVID-19 patients (e.g., those of older age, those with chronic medical conditions, or those who may be pregnant).

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Christina Crouch Christina Crouch

Positive Coping Post #8 - Stay in the Present

Across the world, we are experiencing challenges. When faced with uncertainty, our brains are designed to protect us from danger by increasing our attention to risk and threat. However, this worry can spiral, as we seek certainty where it does not exist. When you find yourself overwhelmed by strong emotions, try to refocus your attention on what’s going on in and around you in the current moment. Notice and attend to where you are and what you are feeling, without judgement.

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