10 Fun Ways to Celebrate International World Kindness Week

Smiling woman standing outside. Image has text that reads: If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that. #makekindnessthenorm

10 Fun Ways to Celebrate International World Kindness Week in the days leading up to World Kindness Day.

November 7-13 is International World Kindness Week! Imagine what the world would be like if each person did one kind thing for someone else. What a difference these 10 fun ideas would make on your family, co-workers, teachers, or community! 

  1. Compliment the first three people you talk to.

  2. Write a hand-written note to a teacher.

  3. Say good morning to the person next to you on the elevator.

  4. Pick up litter. Spend 10 minutes cleaning a park or your neighborhood.

  5. Place uplifting notes in library books, on restroom mirrors, on someone's locker, or on their computer screen.

  6. Dedicate 24 hours to spreading positivity on social media.

  7. Hold up inspiring signs during rush hour.

  8. Leave a generous tip.

  9. Send flowers to a friend.

  10. Set an alarm to go off three times each day on International World Kindness Week. When the alarm sounds, stop what you're doing a call/text/email someone simply to tell them how awesome they are.

Can you think of any other ways to show random acts of Kindness during International World Kindness Week?


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