5 Mindfulness Phrases to Help Feelings of Anxiety and Overwhelm

Here are five mindfulness phrases that can be helpful for managing feelings of anxiety and overwhelm:

  1. "I am in the present moment.": This phrase can help to bring your attention back to the present moment and away from worries about the future or regrets about the past.

  2. "I am calm and in control.": Repeating this phrase can help to remind yourself that you have the power to manage your thoughts and emotions.

  3. "I release this anxiety.": Saying this phrase can help to let go of the anxious thoughts and feelings that are causing you distress.

  4. "I choose peace.": This phrase can help remind yourself that you have the power to choose how you react to anxious thoughts and feelings, and that choosing peace is always an option.

  5. "I am safe.": Saying this phrase can help to remind yourself that you are safe and that the anxious thoughts and feelings are temporary.


It's important to remember that mindfulness phrases are not magic words that will make anxiety disappear, but they can be a helpful tool to bring awareness to your thoughts and feelings. Find what works for you and what phrases resonate with you, and practice these phrases regularly, even if it's for a short period of time. However, do not hesitate to reach out to a professional if your anxiety is persistent and affecting your daily life.


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