How to Overcome Burnout and Stay Motivated

Even when you love your job it can be easy to get burnt-out. Burnout can happen for many reasons, maybe you are nearing the finish line of a large project, you could also be going through a lot at home that is using your energy. Sometimes people experience burnout when they become bored or lack the motivation to start their next project.

Regardless of why you are burnt-out, we can help you overcome it!

What is Burnout

Burnout — the mental and physical exhaustion you experience when the demands of your work consistently exceed the amount of energy you have available — has been called the epidemic of the modern workplace. In the modern world, much of what we now do has an increased sense of urgency, as it is all at our finger tips. There is a lot of pressure to be “on the clock” 24/7 and that can lead to increased stress, exhaustion, and being literally spent. Let’s talk about some ways that you can refuel when you feel like you are running on empty.

Take breaks during the workday

It is important to remember that we are not at our peak performance when we work harder and faster. To perform at peak performance for long term periods of time, you need to find regular opportunities to take breaks.

Take a walk, go for a run, have lunch away from your desk, stepping away from your computer can help you to reset your mind and see the big picture.

Sometimes, by stepping away it can help your work too! Have you ever noticed how when you are thinking really hard about something you get stuck and spin your wheels, but when you start thinking about something else ideas come to you?

It is however important to take your breaks at the right time. When your energy is highest, typically the morning, you should focus on work and try to maximize productivity. This is when you should try to tackle your toughest challenges. After this, you should take your first break.

Put away your digital devices after work

Before the advent of smart phones, leaving your work at the office was quite literally one of the only options. If you wanted to take work home with you it involved pre-planning and forethought. Now you are quite literally physically and psychologically attached to work all day everyday with your smart phone.

A remedy to this is to limit your time with your smart phone or devices. Place them away in a drawer for a designated period of time after work hours so you are not tempted to pick it up and you can be more present in your life.

Do something that interests you

Instead of becoming so burnt-out that you begin to avoid work during working hours, schedule in tasks you find interesting and fun. You can also make plans that you are looking forward to after work. Make plans to visit a friend or cook a meal after work.

You are on the right track if the task you choose or the activity you plan compels you to feel like you are focused on an end goal. When you focus on a goal at the end of the finish line, even if it is tasking getting there, it is better than simply relaxing. What you do with your downtime matters, having a day of relaxation every once in a while is wonderful. Try to add in some days where you feel you are focused on a goal as well!

Take a 3-day weekend

Feeling mentally and physically exhausted may also be a sign that you need to take some time off. This break doesn’t need to be long! Quite the opposite, when it comes to stress-reduction, you will find you have a much better outlook after a 3-4 day weekend than 2 weeks off. It is important to remember however, when you take time off, don’t check-in at work. Try to avoid checking email, or calling, or texting colleagues. Truly take a break.

Focus on the meaning of your work

Try to focus on why your job is important to you. If you can form a deeper connection to your current assignment with a larger personal goal, it will help you fight the temptation to procrastinate and will give you a burst of energy to get you through.

This tool may only provide temporary relief from burnout. If you are experiencing burnout, more needs to happen for long lasting relief.

Make sure it’s really burnout

If none of these strategies work, you could be dealing with something more serious. If you are unsure if you are experiencing burnout or something more, you can contact LifeWays at 1 (800) 284-8288 to get connected to services.

Key Reminders


  • Set boundaries around your use of digital devices after working hours.

  • Add regular breaks into your workday.

  • Focus on why the work matters to you, if you are unable to take time off at this time, due to professional obligations.

  • Engage in activities that challenge and interest you.


  • Check your email when you’re taking a vacation or long weekend.

  • Spend all your downtime relaxing and “vegging-out.”

  • Rule out other mental health problems; remember, if you are unsure that you are experiencing burnout, call LifeWays.




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