LifeWays' Coronavirus COVID-19 Response
To help control the spread of Coronavirus, LifeWays Community Mental Health will screen everyone outside the building prior to entrance. Screening will attempt to identify: cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath, contact with anyone sick, and any recent travel. We ask that you stay in the car for the screening, which helps limit potential exposure to the virus. The screening station is located at the main entrance.
Those that show symptoms will be directed to the free Henry Ford Allegiance Health screening station at One Jackson Square, 100 E. Michigan Ave.
In an effort to provide COVID-19 screening to community members in a way that follows appropriate social distancing recommendations, Henry Ford Allegiance Health has opened a drive-through COVID-19 screening station. The station is located on the surface lot of One Jackson Square (100 East Michigan Avenue in downtown Jackson) and will allow community members with symptoms to be screened while remaining in their car and limiting exposure to other individuals.
Hours of operation: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. daily
The hospital requests that anyone with symptoms of fever, dry cough and shortness of breath first call the Henry Ford MyCare Advice Line at at 313-874-7500 before coming to the screening center. It is available 24 hours a day.
Click here for MLive Article "Drive-through coronaviraus testing available in Jackson".
Click here for Mlive Article "Traffic heavy at Jackson COVID-19 screening station".