Lessons in Self-Love: Body Movement for Self Care

Benefits of Body Movement

You can focus on showing yourself self-love through body movement! Moving your body can make your body feel refreshed or help you to focus on your physical well-being.

Here are 5 ways body movement benefits our mental health.

  • Releases endorphins
    Moving your body helps you to feel more in-touch with yourself and actually increases endorphin production which produce all those lovely happy feelings! 

  • Takes a break from the day-to-day and destresses
    Body movement, no matter how big or small, can help you to focus and destress. This can be through a long walk, aerobics, bike riding, lifting weights, running, playing a sport, etc. 

  • Provides an outlet for emotions
    Have you ever heard someone say they "just need to go walk it off?" That works for emotions too! Whether you are angry, stressed, sad, or frustrated, body movement can provide a useful outlet for those emotions!

  • Strengthens our connection with our bodies and our self
    By moving your body you become more aware of your body’s position, the way it feels, the way you feel, and in turn, you become more aware of your whole self.

  • It can be an opportunity for self-expression
    Go ahead, dance like no one is watching. You can express yourself through body movement! Move your body in a way that feels fun for you, that feels good for you!

What is your relationship with movement?

Physical activity and body movement can have wonderful benefits for our mental health in many ways, but it can be filled with negativity for some. Some people have unhealthy relationships with body movement, whether they feel overwhelmed by the idea of moving their bodies or moving their bodies is or has been a mechanism used to control their appearance. There are some easy cues that help to indicate whether you have a healthy relationship with body movement. 

  •  Cues for a Positive, Healthy Relationship with Body Movement
    Your routine…

    • Helps you feel connected with your body.

    • Makes you feel stronger, more flexible, or have greater endurance.

    • Allows for days off.

    • Helps to relieve stress.

    • Is enjoyable.

    • Can move down on your priority list.

    • Is responsive to your needs and health.

    • Includes different types of movements.

    • Is respectful of your body’s limits. 

  • Cues for a Potentially Harmful, Unhealthy Relationship with Body Movement
    Your routine…

    • Is all or nothing.

    • Does not allow for any or only very few days off.

    • Must meet certain requirements.

    • Doesn’t include breaks, even when sick or injured.

    • Is something you HAVE to do.

    • Takes priority over other things in your life.

    • Causes you to feel anxiety if you miss a day.

    • Determines what you are allowed to eat based on activity level

Make Body Movement Fun

One way to build a positive, healthy relationship with body movement is to make it fun! You will be more likely to engage in healthy body movement and it will also be easier to make body movement part of your life if it is something that brings you happiness. 

Think about your preferences:

  • Do you like to move alone or with other people?

  • Do you prefer to move inside or outside?

  • How much do you want to move?

  • How do you want this movement to make you feel?

 All of these things can help you choose a type of body movement that is fun for you!


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